When to Visit?
Deciding when to make your visit to the Falklands will depend largely on your interests. If it is to catch a certain species at a specific point in its breeding cycle the calendar below will help immensely – do you want to see the penguins nesting when they are easy to photograph, or more active once the chicks have hatched? Or are you chasing flora, desperately want to try a fresh diddle dee berry, or hoping to see whales? |
October is a magical time as the Falklands start to come alive again, November – January are by far the busiest months for wildlife enthusiasts and booking well in advance will be key at main destinations, but if you want to come later in the season (maybe March or April) you will still plenty of wildlife and enjoy many other aspects of the Falklands including excellent trout fishing.
And check out the Events & Holidays calendar to see if your visit will coincide with one of our traditional holidays! |
Of course whenever you do visit, there is always the years ahead to come back and see the Islands at a different time of year!
GentooSeptember Both species return to the Falklands to begin nest building. On the whole penguins arrive on East Falkland about 2 weeks earlier(so end Aug) than West Falkland October Boths species lay their eggs around the middle of the month. Gentoos generally lay 2 eggs. November Both species incubate their eggs through this month. Gentoos for around 33/34 days and Magellanics for slightly longer at 38/40 days December Eggs start hatching in early Dec. January After 3-4 weeks of brooding chicks start to creche in early Jan, and are fully moulted by end Jan. February Both parents forage to feed chick, departing at first light and returning early evening. Chicks may move to the beach and start to fledge late Feb. March Chicks continue to fledge. Adults begin their annual moult in late Mar. Apr & Beyond Up to 50% of Gentoos remain in the Falklands over winter. |
MagellanicSeptember Both species return to the Falklands to begin nest building. On the whole penguins arrive on East Falkland about 2 weeks earlier(so end Aug) than West Falkland October Boths species lay their eggs around the middle of the month. Gentoos generally lay 2 eggs. November Both species incubate their eggs through this month. Gentoos for around 33/34 days and Magellanics for slightly longer at 38/40 days December Eggs start hatching mid Dec February Chicks leave burrows. March Chicks fledge mid-Mar. Parents begin their annual moult Apr & Beyond Adults disperse along the South American coast |
RockhopperOctober Males arrive early Oct. Females arrive approx. 1 week later. November Eggs are laid early Nov. They generally lay 2 eggs, but only raise 1 chick from the 2nd larger egg. December Eggs hatch early Dec and parents brood guard for approx. 25 days. January Chicks begin to creche. February Chicks start fledging end Feb/into early Mar. Adults depart on extended pre-moult foraging trip; often the colonies are deserted mid-Feb to early Mar. March Adults return mid month to moult. Apr & Beyond Adults finish moulting mid-late Apr and disperse northwards foraging. |